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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance in Educating Future Drivers

Name: Madison C. Wells
From: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Votes: 0

The Importance in Educating Future Drivers

education is a necessity in reducing the number of deaths that result
from driving because it properly educates upcoming drivers on the
rules of the road. More often than not, drivers ed has an
audience of high school student. These students, usually 15 years
old, are not as mature as an 18-year-old. Drivers ed is
important because it shows the statistics of accidents, and it
properly informs the importance of defensive driving.

Going to high school, I saw a difference in the people who payed
attention in drivers ed compared to those who didn’t. I
recognized that those who payed attention showed more initiative in
driving safely and more defensively whereas those who didn’t were
on their phones while in the driver’s seat. I saw this firsthand
when a girl, who was in my drivers ed class, was on her
phone while leaving the school parking lot. She was coming up to
merge into my lane, but she did not have a clear opening to get in.
If she would not have looked up last second, she would have T-boned
my car at the driver door. I felt my heart jump into my throat while
all she did was drive off. It was terrifying to know that my life
could have been put in her hands if she had not stopped. After that
incident I dedicated myself to becoming a safer driver. I did so by
putting my phone on “Do Not Disturb.” This way, I am less likely
to try and unlock my phone because it’s more steps than necessary.
Next, it is important to have my stereo volume at a volume that is
not distracting to other drivers in order maintain both of the
driver’s safety. Lastly, it is important to keep the eyes on the
road and look at my surroundings. In doing so, I will recognize any
possible occurrences.

education is the proper way to educate those learning to drive
because it gives them the important information and rules of the
road. Without this education, many teenagers die each year, and they
put other lives at risk. It is everyone’s moral obligation to take
the privilege of driving seriously before hurting others on the road.