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Drivers Ed Online – Up to Speed on Distracted Driving

Name: Kelsey Matsen
From: Hawley, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Up to Speed on Distracted Driving

Kelsey Matsen

2020 Drivers ed Essay Contest

Up to Speed on Distracted Driving

With today’s technology at everyone’s fingertips, one of the most prominent causes of automobile accidents is distracted driving. As a teenager who drives independently, my friends and I often see others texting while driving or adjusting the radio to find the perfect song. These seemingly innocent tasks are detrimental to people’s lives, even bystanders. Being a good driver entails understanding the rules of the road and being responsible with the freedoms that are earned as well. I believe we can aid younger generations to make mature decisions by increasing drivers ed. If people are more aware of driving mistakes and how to avoid them, we can decrease the number of deaths from car accidents. Approaching the time I could receive my learner’s permit, both my parents and teachers made me aware of the importance of being a safe driver. As part of my drivers ed class, state troopers visited our classroom to give a presentation full of driving statistics, accident reports and stories, and ways we can protect ourselves and the people around us. These stories were not easy to hear, as most of them were scary and had caused a death. However, these difficult conversations must occur to educate others on what may happen if they drive irresponsibly. We can also incorporate information regarding basic physics and mechanics for people to understand how cars respond to the environment. For example, my dad is very knowledgeable about mechanics and has explained to me the various effects of taking a turn too sharp or hitting a large bump too fast. Knowing that these actions have great consequences makes me a safer and more responsible driver by respecting the rules in place for everyone’s safety. My parents constantly remind me to not get distracted and always pay attention to my surroundings and speed. One simple thing we all can do to promote safer driving is to speak up. I always encourage my friends to put down their phone, use “Do Not Disturb” mode, and to respect the speed limit. Whenever I am in the driver’s seat, I leave early, turn my phone off, and double check I have everything I may need. If you see a friend trying to go on their phone while driving, offer to help. If you are with someone who is driving at a risky speed, politely ask them to abide by the speed limit. If you see something questionable, say something. I told my friend I was uncomfortable after she picked up her phone moments before we rounded a turn with an incoming car on the wrong side of the road. If I had not said something, she might not have slowed down in enough time. I encourage everyone to educate your friends with what you know, tell them stories you have heard or experienced and inform them how they can prevent something similar from happening. Communication and knowledge could save a life.