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Drivers Ed Online – I have a plan

Name: Yuliana Tovar
From: El Cajon, CA
Votes: 0

I have a plan

When you search the word “cat” on google you get a briej description of what it is plus this, “It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.” It seems like whoever wrote this definition was not a fan of cats like most people. People who do not like cats are like people that do like or use spices. They are the people that have boring or obnoxious personalities. People’s hatred always leads to violence resulting in suffrage in the sweet harmless cats. Cats have had a negative history, for example in Mexican a black cat meant bad luck or it was related to witchcraft. To me a cat is just another animal tha God designed for the world. An animal that is not evil or brings bad luck and does not deserve to be tortured, starved or be killed. A cat is a life that should be respected just as a lion’s life or a human life. They do nothing wrong and most importantly they can not defend themselves. It is heartbreaking to see so many commercials on tv that advertises poor dogs but they never highlight the importance of cats. Adopting cats is the best way to go because most of the time those types of cats are rescued from abuse in their past lifes. Cats are clever fast and could potentially be an anti mouse repellent. I think the government should have a law where every single resident in the united states should be required to take care of an animal if they are fine financially, If they fail to pick up an animal two random animals will be assigned and if any damae seems to be done to them they shall receive jail time. If the pet holder treats it and loves it like a child then they should have a tax cut.

To enter, please submit an essay (500-1500 words) in English answering one of the following:

  1. How are you managing your money in college to prepare for a bright financial future?

  2. What financial challenges have you overcome in your life? What lesson(s) did they teach you?

  3. What are the most common financial pitfalls you see your peers making, and what advice do you have for them?

Unfortunatly I did not take an economics class until my senior year of high school the second semester. To my luck once we begin the economics partwe were not allowed back at school because of the pandemic. Everything I have learned about credit scores,investments, savings, and the “bean” game have been through an online game that teaches you all about it. Just yesterday, I learned about checking and saving accounts. I have had a credit card since I was twelve and I have learned I need to keep track of my spendings and my budget. Once I am financially stable I plan to invest in a small business. I will keep that money untouched until I completely retire. My father was wrongfully accused of a crime by his work when I was younger. The house was being payed by his work so we had to move out of the house because my mother was not working at the time. She sold everything that we did not need like our motorcycles, our game conseouls, cars, and everything that classifies as a luxury item. My mother started working and after all those sacrifices we had enough for a lawyer that proved my father’s innocence. What I learned from this experience is that I should never let my work pay for my house and to keep saving over time in case something awful like that happens to me. Most of my peers right now are only working for drugs and I always show them what they could have if they had their priorities straight but it can be hard to help someone when they do think there is an issue to begin with. I would advise them that one day life will hit them hard and it is better to be safe and have a back up plan than hitting rock bottom.