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Drivers Ed Online – Imagine…

Name: Rhylee Roush
From: Clermont, FL
Votes: 0


Close your
eyes and imagine a warm summer day, windows down, music blaring
through the speakers, friends laughing around you in your packed car
while you drive around the town. The sun bathing you in its warmth
while the summer breeze offers slight forgiveness cooling you for a
second before vanishing just as quickly as it came. People enjoying
the nice weather all around; kids playing ball, mothers watering
yards, fathers fixing cars, neighbors barbecuing. So much happening
around you that you glance at a small kid running through a
sprinkler, reminiscing on how good cool water droplets felt against
warm skin…


In that split
second, while you were simply glancing at a playing child, you
ran a stop sign and T-boned a car crossing. A car whom had the right
of way. Now, imagine air bags deploying and smacking against your
thrown body to prevent you from flying through the windshield because
you were too cool for a seat belt. Imagine the blistering
sound of shattering glass, the friends who once laughed now cried,
the guilt of causing harm amongst you, your friends and the car you

According to, roughly nine people a day die from distracted
driving. That’s nine people losing their lives over something so
easily preventable. Driving is so dangerous and we don’t even think
about the risks when we get behind the wheel. It is so important to
be focused when you drive to prevent accidents from happening.
Keeping your eyes locked on the road, keeping an open mind and making
sure you don’t drive under any influences that might slow your
reactions. You might not be able to predict others actions but, if
you remain focused and clear minded, you’re chances at reacting in
a way that saves not only your life but many others around you will

Driving has
always been a privilege that can be easily taken away. In a split
second, you can injure and possibly kill people in your wake. Just
like when you take a test and you are distracted by other things
around you. That simple distraction can cause you to possibly answer
a question incorrect. A distraction behind the wheel can cause a
life. Next time, before getting behind the wheel, buckle your seat
belt, check your mirrors, make sure your music is set and make sure
you are completely focused on the road in front of you. A slight
mistake can ruin your life. Let’s band together to make sure
distracted driving is one less thing we have to worry about.