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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Deleting Cyberbullying

Name: Isabel Galeas
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

Importance of Deleting Cyberbullying

Importance of Deleting Cyberbullying

It is proven that only 1 out of 10 teenagers that are bullied online, do not tell their parents. It is important to work to delete cyberbullying because many get a lower self-esteem, turn to drinking or drugs, and it causes many to be suicidal.

When someone leaves negative comments on social media, the reader tends to believe what they read and beat themselves about it. For instance, in high school, girls were making false accusations of another girl. That one girl did not say anything to anyone for years and she started to believe she was nothing but a problem. The girl started to question her values and her self worth. Once the girl told, the comments were deleted and many people started to include her again in the social circles. Cyberbullying needs to be deleted from the beginning, because one tends to feel they are not worthy and have lowsels-esteem.

Also, it is important to stop cyberbullying because many tend to put toxic substances into their body as a way to deal with the situation. Often teengers want to forget about what they are going through so they turn to drugs and alcohol. Teens will black out hoping they will not have to deal with the situation, but in reality the problem is still there in addition to dealing with the drugs and alcohol. To help prevent someone from hurting themself, we need to delete cyberbullying as a whole.

Lastly, cyberbullying can get very serious that one begins to believe they do not need to live anymore. When someone takes their own life many may say, “She is so selfish for taking her own life. She was not thinking about all her family and friends that are going to miss her.” We often call that person selfish for commiting suicide, but that person truly believes thee is no other option to take the pain away. Reading comments online makes people start to question their self worth. When cyberbullying begins to be a constant aspect in one’s life and impacts one’s self-esteem, (s)he believes that the comments are true.

Feeling unworthy, toxicating, and risking one’s life can be effects on why it is essential to stop cyberbullying. We need to report and/or delete any signs of cyberbullying. It separates our society and is inhumane for someone to do this.