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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education 2020 Essay

Name: Lillian Hogan
From: Palos Heights, Illinois
Votes: 0

Drivers ed 2020 Essay

Before someone starts working at their new job, they must go through a training period. During this time, they learn the ropes, quickly becoming experts at each new task assigned to them. This is the same thing with drivers ed. Someone can’t expect to hop into the car and suddenly master the art of driving. They must first take a class about the rules of the road, which includes driving with an instructor. An experienced driver, the instructor is responsible for teaching the new driver what he or she must do to be a safe and responsible driver. Now think of what would happen if there wasn’t an instructor and the new driver had to teach themselves. They wouldn’t know when to speed up or slow down, and they might not realize that they’re slowly drifting into the wrong lane. Without drivers ed, drivers wouldn’t know what to do on the road, which would lead to many accidents that, with the proper teaching, could have been avoided.

While driving, your life and the lives around you are at risk. There are many causes for car accidents, but many of them are less related to a small human error, instead, they relate to a person’s destructive choices when behind the wheel. Some of the most common causes of car accidents are speeding, drunk driving, and distractions such as a person’s cell phone. When I was younger, my mother and I got into a car accident. Although I have no memory of the experience, the story has been told to me a few times. As my mom drove down the road, a car pulled out right in front of her, causing us to collide. The woman who backed into us was drunk, and her awful decision to get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol almost cost my mother’s and my life.

To stop these situations from happening, we need to take steps to reduce the amount of bad decisions being made. Some steps we could take are requiring people to retake the driving test every other. If this is put into effect, people who are not competent drivers who know about the rules of the road can be removed from a position where they could cause harm to others.

As a newer driver, I know that I make plenty of mistakes while on the road. No matter how big or small the mistake though, it could still put people’s lives at risk, which is something I would never want to do. To become a better driver, there’s one step that you need to follow: practice. You can’t get better by doing nothing, so make sure that when you go out to practice you bring a trusted adult who will help you and step in if things go badly. You must also pay attention to everything around you when driving. You must be focused and observant if you wish to keep your life, and the lives around you, safe.