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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Driver Safety and Education

Name: Autumn Sheffield
From: College Station, Texas
Votes: 0

Importance of Driver Safety and Education

The most important thing about driving safety is knowing the basics about driving. Such as, learning how to signal properly while changing lanes, coming to a complete stop at a stop sign and a red light, checking all the blinds sports, going the appropriate speed limit, and all the other basic road rules that will make others aware how to drive appropriately. Thus, making people responsible and attentive drivers. Particularly since basic drivers ed nowadays is usually ignored amongst drivers which lead to many present-day accidents, that could be avoidable.

There are various steps that can be taken to help reduce the death rate of accidents. One of the big steps that can be taken is get rid of all distractions; distractions are the number one leading cause of car accidents. Drivers should put away their phones, where it is out of sight, out of mind. Thus, drivers will not be tempted to text, have phone calls, or scroll through social media. Which can help force drivers to pay attention to the road. Another important precaution a driver can do is to drive sober. Drunk driving is the second leading cause of car accidents and leading death of car accidents. If drivers would be responsible and make another arrangement while they are out drinking it could help prevent many preventable accidents.

I personally have never been in a car accident before, but I have been in the car with an old friend who would constantly be on his phone texting the whole time while driving. I would constantly get onto him to put his phone down, to quit speeding, and to pay attention to the road, especially when I am in the car with him. Also, I later found out after our friendship fell apart that every time, I was in the car with him, he was driving high. All of this constantly brought me worry and anxiety that we would get into a wreck and lose our lives over dumb, preventable actions. Which also inspired me to take driving much more seriously.

The steps that I take to be a better driver while on the road is that I turn off my phone while driving, so I will not be tempted to be distracted. I follow the proper basic driver “rules,” I make sure to use my blinker properly when changing lanes and checking my blind spots before doing so, I follow the speed limits, and I make sure to pay attention to what other drivers are doing, so if they are being irresponsible, I will be prepared to take appropriate action. I also share my knowledge and experience about driver safety to anyone I talk to, to help spread awareness to others to help them become better and safer drivers.