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Drivers Ed Online – The Dangers of Driver Ignorance

Name: Ethan Christopher Margetan
From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

The Dangers of Driver Ignorance

The importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is indefinable. Having a complete, deep understanding of the regulations for driving is extremely crucial to maintaining a safe trip both for oneself and for everyone else on the road. Too many unnecessary deaths could have been prevented if the reckless driver was aware of the regulations that have been put in place to prevent accidents from happening in the first place. Deaths as a result of driving can be significantly lowered when one educates themselves on the rules of the road, follows them even to the most trivial regulation, and is cautious on the road above all and not careless when driving. 3 simple ways to drive more safely is not checking one’s phone while driving, slowing down at yellow lights and not speeding up to pass it, stopping for at least 5 full seconds at a stop sign, and many more. I am blessed to not have been involved in any serious car accidents, and that my friends who can drive do so responsibly and safely. There is a plethora of things I can do to become a better and safer driver and help others become safer on the road. My friends and I can take monthly “driving quizzes” together to make sure we know all the driving regulations by heart and hold each other accountable when we drive, telling each other when we’re driving too fast or when we should stop longer at a stop sign; drive while consciously trying to follow every driving regulation until it becomes second nature; have a responsible parent/guardian watch me as I drive, giving me valuable advice about my driving and helping me recognize my mistakes; not check my phone while I’m driving; slowing down at yellow lights and not speeding up to pass it; and stopping for at least 4 full seconds at a stop sign, looking both ways twice.