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Drivers Ed Online – Dangerous Driving

Name: Benjamin Dean High
From: Taylor Mill, Ky
Votes: 0

Dangerous Driving

Dangerous Driving:

As a young driver, I frequently look at the roads to make sure I am staying in my lane. If I take my eyes off the road for even a few seconds to look at my phone or adjust the radio, I might miss that stop sign or not notice that car pulling out in front of me. When my parents drive the car, I glance around at the different cars to see what the drivers are doing. Some drivers have their phones in their hand or are too busy eating food. Many of the drivers I notice are distracted. I get worried when other drivers do not pay attention to the road.

As a beginner driver, I find driving lessons extremely helpful. The driving instructor has shown me the proper way to turn the wheel and let it slide back to me. He has helped me make my turns smoothly and efficiently. If I did not have an instructor to teach me and just relied on my parents, they might not have caught everything that the instructor did. I believe that driving education will greatly reduce the number of deaths on the road because more drivers know what they are doing. However, I want to focus more on a bigger problem that most drivers face. Texting while driving is a dangerous activity. Taking your eyes off the road for a minute can mean hitting the kid who walked into the street to get their ball. You might get into an accident and potentially kill someone because you were not paying attention.

We need to take drastic actions if this problem continues to plague our young drivers. This matters to me because people my age are dying each day because of something they can control. These are not unavoidable deaths. While I have had no personal experience with car accidents, this is still a problem that I care about. What the community should do about this is to make teens more of aware of this hidden danger. We should make this a top priority in driving schools to teach new drivers about. We should talk about this issue in school on certain days to enforce good driving ethics. We should put statistics of texting and driving on electronic billboards along the interstates. We can make a change. We can prevent teens from crashing. We should do this to save lives. Our goal should be to preserve the lives of our teens and make sure they make wise decisions while driving. I will driver safer and avoid texting while driving. I will be vigilant on the roads.

I want this scholarship to further my goals of going to college and becoming a pastor. I plan to work hard and be a leader wherever I am. As a pastor, I will promote good driving habits at my church through youth awareness meetings. Rachel Dyet said, “The text says, ‘See you soon,’ but you never do.”