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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Olivia Oviedo
From: Tucson, Arizona
Votes: 0

Importance of Drivers ed

Importance of Drivers ed

I believe drivers ed is extremely important. When I became eligible to begin the drivers license process, I practiced driving with a company that was designed to prepare me for the world of driving. I appreciated the experience to learn the rules of the road and build awareness in a responsible way. It is however a different experience when there are others in the car and other distractions in and around oneself. I think it’s easy to fall out of seriousness and careful intention when driving so I believe continued drivers ed is beneficial and recommended. Although one can gleen a lot through the laws and rules, it is the application that promotes learning to become a better driver. The objective to be more of an offensive versus defensive driver is very important and that’s what drivers ed can provide.

Although I have never been involved in a car accident, I have witnessed others being in one and effects from it. Most of the accidents have carried fault from being distracted by the phone or others in the car. I have had friends behave irresponsibly in the car which is scary to me as a passenger. Using better judgment in driving with others is on me to make better decisions and help encourage those around me. However, I believe that I have learned a lot from these experiences which has encouraged other thinking.

The steps that I have taken to be a better driver include the following. I recently took part in a simulation that allowed me to see an effect of different weather elements, distractions, and mental/physical conditions. It was eye opening as to these things impair the ability to drive and to understand the effects of ones decisions every time ones wheels hit the road. This experience combined with the last few years of driving have made me more aware. Such awareness has increased my care when changing lanes, light changes and general etiquette. In addition, there are other pieces of education that don’t have anything to do with the road. I attempt to provide enough time when leaving the house so I am not rushed and careless due to time. I prepare my route and begin my GPS if needed to assist knowing where to go and the best route to take. Before going out with others, designating a driver and the understanding of the expectations involving driving are discussed and understood. By modeling these actions, I believe that I have influenced others driving habits.

I believe it might be beneficial for everyone to go through additional education every few years, especially as a younger driver. When one learns how to drive, it’s a mountain of knowledge to overcome. It might be a better approach to mandate learning in the form of simulations, learning module or applications every other year or at minimum, when someone receives a ticket or experiences a car accident. Drivers have a responsibility to take measures to protect themselves and others. Currently there isn’t enough regulation to protect others from unsafe drivers. A motor vehicle is a weapon that needs to be used responsibly and further education and measures can be taken from each individual to ensure safety.

Thank you for considering my scholarship application.