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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Safe Really Matters

Name: Robson Correa da Silva
From: Sao Paulo, SP
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Driving Safe Really Matters

Driving Safe Really Matters

Robson Correa da Silva

Consistent and solid drivers ed makes the whole difference in preventing accidents and thus avoiding the increase of fatal victims as a result of driving. Whenever a driver is conscious about his/her rights and duties, in accordance to the traffic law, it is quite unlikely that serious car crushes or pedestrians run overs occur. A fairly good mix of responsability, education and respect to the traffic laws and to other people’s lives result in a drastic reduction of deaths by driving safely.

Main steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are: frequent maintenance of the vehicle, never driving and drinking, do not let someone drive one’s car without a valid driver’s license despite previous driving experience and do not be attentive only for yourself, but also be attentive to others by driving cautious and defensely.

As a driver, I have already been evolved in a couple of car accidents without deaths only physical injuries mainly and car damages. They were caused mostly for distraction or driving at higher speed limits than allowed at a certain road.

The steps I can take to become a better and safer driver not only for me, but also being an example for others on the road is first to show the atitude to change behavior when driving by obeying the traffic laws without rush and respecting the speed limits. It is important to get used of departuring earlier from the origin, to make it possible arriving safely at the distination on time and without risking anybody’s life, using the vehicle only as a mean of transportation and not as a race car.