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Drivers Ed Online – The World of Driving

Name: Anouska Ortiz
From: Long Beach, CA
Votes: 0

The World of Driving

The harrowing stories of car accidents has always had a lasting imprint on the way new drivers consider their new accomplishment of life. Although many new drivers fail to take proper precaution, it is important that there is a more restricted and pressured manner in drivers ed. Oftentimes, the statistics of the dangers of driving go unconsidered in the education of various new drivers and in the media. With more education on both the numbers and the effects driving accidents have on the drivers, the passengers, and their families, there’ll be a more profound impact on the condition of which the newly awarded drivers will consider safety and precaution. Although I have not had any situations in which I was in an accident or where the driver was driving irresponsibly, I have heard many stories and books where there has been a tragic accident. The excitement of getting a license often clouds the serious dangers of reckless driving, especially if it’s the person’s first time getting one or they are young and inexperienced. For the driver themselves, it is suggested by California driving law that if they are inexperienced they practice 60 hours with an experienced driver and another 6 hours with a driving instructor. Since the driver’s friends and family may want drives almost immediately after the driver receives their license, the driver must have sufficient practice both in avenues, boulevards, freeways, etc. before considering to drive with other people, as driving with 3 or more people heavily distracts the driver. With this in mind, what the passengers could do is to have fun in the car within restriction, as it is inevitable that the passengers will play music, share jokes and conversation, and possibly eat and drink in the car even though it is highly unadvised, the passengers should be conscious in the distractions they themselves could inflict on the driver and should reserve that energy until they reach their destination or in moderation in the car to avoid any accidents to the car or to the people inside. A big cause of driving accident is drunk driving, which is constantly talked about and yet nothing is really done in terms of preventing it. The drunk person who may or may not be driving should not drive under any condition whatsoever and should instead call a friend or order an Uber or taxi to avoid potential crashes. With all of these topics in mind, the conversation of reckless driving from and for all age groups and driving levels, whether young or old, new or experienced, should be open and not be considered taboo or dangerous to talk about; instead, the open topic should spark any unanswered questions that new drivers have and any stigmas towards the world of driving.