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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Brennen
From: Dallas , Georgia
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Importance of Drivers ed

Drivers ed courses are something that I feel are taken for granted, as many teenagers do not take the courses seriously when preparing for their drivers license exam. Most teens are more focused on the driving aspect and not the rules, regulation and thought process that is behind operating a motor vehicle. I also feel as if the drivers’ education courses are not stressed enough to new drivers but they are simply a class to lower insurance or just a requirement for a driver’s license. In reality these safety courses are an important part of the driving experience and are needed to properly function on the road.

The driver safety courses provide valuable information for new and old drivers alike, and the laws are always changing so it is important for everyone to keep in touch with the new laws. It is important for new drivers to take these courses because it is probable there are new laws and regulations their parents haven’t taught them. A big part of a new drivers learning experience is what their parents teach them but not all parents are informed of the new driving laws. This is why it is important for parents to be just as informed as the student, parents could help lower deaths by informing themselves as well as their students.

I have been in one accident myself, but I was not the driver of the car. My friend was driving me home from school when we were rear ended by another car. Once we had been hit, my friend just sat in the front seat not knowing what to do, so I reminded him to pull his car off the street if he could and to stay calm. So he did so but he was still slow moving, so I told him to call the police while I checked on the other car. In the end everything was fine and my friend told me he was unaware he was supposed to try and pull to the side of the road. This instance showed me the importance of drivers ed and the difference between driving education between drivers.

Whenever I am not driving and riding with friends or family, I always watch their driving to make sure I am safe as well as the driver. I have informed my friends many times of their bad driving habits and laws they weren’t aware of, in hopes they practice the new information. To lower distractions in my car, I put my phone on silent and out of arm’s reach so I am not tempted to grab it. My car has hands free technology so I select my music beforehand and I am able to take calls without touching my phone. I also have a setting in my car where it displays my speed to give me a more accurate reading of my speed. All of these tactics combined give myself and my peers a safer driving experience.