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Drivers Ed Online – With Driving Comes Great Responsibility

Name: Dennis Xu
From: Northfield, New Jersey
Votes: 0

With Driving Comes Great Responsibility

Driving Comes Great Responsibility

in the process of getting my driver’s license I, can assure you
that driving takes focus. You have to not only be fully concentrated
on driving but also aware of your surroundings, who’s in front of
you, who’s beside you, who’s behind you. And like with many
things, practice makes perfect. And with drivers ed that is a
way one can practice and ensure their own safety and the safety of
others on the road. People need to be educated on all the rules and
regulation on the rode and they need to know them by heart to be
fully capable of driving safe on the road.

accidents happen all the time and sadly even if we were able to
educate everyone and everyone was a safe driver there will still be
accidents, all we can do is strive to be responsible on the wheel.
But there are many ways one can reduce driving accidents from
happening. One is being a responsible driver. That means don’t text
and drive or drive when you are under the influence, there many other
forms of transportation. Along with that, is knowing your limits. If
you didn’t have a good nights rest before a long drive, have
someone else take you, because pushing your tried body to drive would
only cause you to possibly fall asleep at the wheel causing not only
yourself to be hurt but possibly others as well. Another is to be
aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the rode, to what’s
around you. If someone is tailgating you don’t provoke them or get
angry, pull to the side and let them pass. It just these little
things that can prevent accidents and its when these little things
are neglected, accidents are prone to happen.

I was around the age of 12, my mom and I where backing out of a
parking space and a car suddenly drove behind us and we crash into
them. Fortunately, we all were driving slowly so the damage was
minimal, and no one was hurt. But it was this experience that made me
understand the true dangers of car accidents. When we collided with
the car even though is wasn’t a hard collision, I felt my body jolt
forward, like I was in a rocket shooting into outer space. If we
were on the highway going 60 mph and crashed, that jolt could’ve
caused major bodily damage if not worse.

be a better driver you have to follow the driving regulation, wear a
seat belt and be focused on the road. And if your passenger, don’t
distract the driver and also be aware of the driver’s state. I they
look tired, substitute in for them. If they are under the influence,
don’t allow them to drive even if they insist, they can because
they only had one drink. Just know with driving there comes a lot of
responsibilities, and even little actions have consequences.