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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Alone Isn’t The Solution

Name: Shristi Lolam
From: Peoria, Arizona
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Drivers ed Alone Isn’t The Solution

Drivers ed is important because it not only teaches people the technicalities and the formalities of cars and traffic laws, but it also provides experience behind the wheel. Drivers ed alone, though, cannot reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving. It can definitely help, but the person should desire to be a safer driver.

Incentives and motivation leading to a desire to be a better and safer driver come from creative methods of learning. Back when drivers ed was a mandatory course, schools used things like driving simulators. This is a great way to train people. It also provides experience behind the wheel without the danger of driving on the road. When it comes to fixing bad driving behavior, one should correct it using punishment or positive reinforcement. Punishments should be given to people who are more likely to repeat bad driving behavior, like teenagers. As a result of their actions, parents can punish them by making them pay their insurance bills. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, should be used with people learning to drive and with those who are less likely to repeat bad driving behavior. This could include establishing good driving records and taking safety classes to help in reducing insurance bills. Learning from other people’s mistakes and stories of irresponsible driving might induce fear providing motivation to be a better driver. If drivers assume responsibility for their lives and also the cars around them, then it could provide positive reinforcement that might influence better driving.

Recently, my friend got into an accident. He saw a car running a red light and panicked. He drove into it and totaled his car, jamming his shinbone into the steering wheel. For someone who is not easily afraid, he was shocked that this happened to him. Sensing that uneasiness, it honestly made me a little scared to drive because I did not want to go through the same experience.

Personally, I do not drive often, but when I do, I always try to drive within the speed limit. Some steps I could take to be a safer and better driver are to be mindful of what is around me. In hearing my friend’s story, I learned that it is important to look both ways when crossing the intersection, or making a turn, and to always check your blind spot when changing lanes. It is also important to maintain a space cushion with the cars in front of you, so that you have enough time to react if something happens. When driving with family and friends, I can critique them and make sure that they are driving safely.

In general, the desire to be a better and safer driver comes from the understanding of one’s responsibility while driving. Once that is understood, drivers ed can be added on to complement that knowledge to create a good driver, thus reducing the number of deaths on the road.