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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Initiative

Name: Grace McDonald
From: Oldsmar, FL
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Initiative

Education is extremely important in all aspects of life. Before a child can learn to read, he/she must learn the basic rules of phonics. Before a person can become a professional athlete, he/she must learn the basic rules of the game. Likewise, before a person can become a responsible driver, he/she must learn the basic rules of driving. Lack of drivers ed can have tragic results. Children watch their parents drive, and many dream of the day when they can be behind the wheel. Putting an uneducated adult behind the wheel of a car would be much like allowing a child to drive. The average car weighs about 3,000-4,000 pounds. A car can become a weapon at the hands of an uneducated driver. Drivers ed is crucial to the safety of drivers and their passengers.

In 2012 alone, over 30,000 people in the United States died as a result of auto accidents. What can be done to reduce the number of auto-related deaths? According to, the leading cause of car accidents is distracted driving. The New York Times states that more than 9 percent of U.S. traffic deaths in 2017 were linked to distracted driving. We live in a world full of distractions. If we aren’t multi-tasking, we often feel as though we are falling behind or missing out on something. When a driver takes his/her attention off the road, even for a second, his/her vehicle becomes a potentially deadly weapon. Even though people know the statistics, distracted driving continues to be a major issue. Emotional driving is also a major factor in auto accidents. Drivers often respond erratically if they feel their rights have been compromised. When a driver gets cut off or tailgated, for example, he/she may react emotionally, rather than responsibly. Lastly, and possibly most importantly, driving under the influence claims the lives Beyond appealing to the public’s common sense with facts regarding educated driving, distracted driving, emotional driving, and driving under the influence, perhaps the best way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving would be to require all car makers to install safety equipment that would help deter unfavorable driving behavior. Additionally, the laws regarding distracted driving, reckless driving, and driving while intoxicated should be strictly enforced and the penalties elevated.

I have not been involved in a traffic accident, but I have witnessed careless driving. I was taught to drive defensively, so I keep a close eye on other drivers on the road. I see cars swerving in and out of lanes and onto the shoulders of the roads. I have also been in a car with a friend who was driving while distracted by the loud music she was playing. My solution then was to ask if I could be the DJ. I changed the tone of the music and turned down the volume.

These are my ideas, on a grand scale and a small scale, that I believe will make us all safer on the road.