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Drivers Ed Online – In the driver seat

Name: Julie Dabouze
From: Quincy, MA
Votes: 0

In the driver seat

Dabouze 3

In the Driver’s Seat

According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, the fatality rate in the United States roadways is about 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2002, Mayhew and Simpson (ii7) found that drivers ed and its value had direct links to the number of deaths due to driving. Thus, drivers ed may reduce the number of deaths due to driving.

Drivers ed reduces the number of deaths due to driving in several ways. First, drivers learn the does and don’ts of safe driving. Some include the recommended speed limits, reading and interpreting traffic signage, and driving behaviors. Secondly, drivers get to know the safety measures and precautions available in their driving experience. For instance, wearing a safety belt and keeping at least recommended time-space between cars are critical precautions (De Lisi 24; Muha 6). Thirdly, drivers ed offers the mastery of driving in different situations. This is important since road users and road conditions influence driver behavior (Berg i16). Thus, educated drivers understand traffic rules, perceive hazards in advance, respond to dangers rationally, and interact with other road users appropriately.

Besides, improving road conditions, educating other road users, and enhancing weather education may reduce the number of deaths due to driving. Some accidents occur because the roads are not driver-friendly, or because they lack signage. In such cases, highway authority aught to improve road conditions. Also, other road users such as bikers and pedestrians, require road-user education such as reading traffic rights to avoid distractions. Unfavorable weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, fog, and dust contribute to a significant number of road accidents. Drivers ed may incorporate weather reading and interpretation skills to foster hazard perception and mitigation.

I have never involved in an accident. However, one of my friends was involved in a car accident two years ago. She was driving at about 40Mph when another driver overtook at a blind corner. Unfortunately, there was an oncoming truck, and the two vehicles crashed head-on. The crash impacted my friend’s car since she was in proximity. Her car was pushed into the sideway, lost control, and rolled once. Luckily, she was not driving fast, her car was in good condition, and she had worn a safety belt. Nevertheless, she survived the crash with a hip dislocation, panic attack, and other minor injuries.

Becoming a safe and better driver requires education, discipline, and experience. I can make discipline a personal commitment and focus on building driving experience in different road situations. Since drivers ed is paramount throughout the driving experience, I can attend a driving school and acquire a license. Also, the drivers ed program should include cognitive, psychomotor, and perception skills. A better driver is sober; thus, I would check my lifestyle and psychological health to make sure that I make rational driving decisions. Lastly, I can take the initiative to teach other road users about comprehensive safe driving to improve the safety of every driver experience, and reduce road accidents. That way, I can become a better and safe driver.

Works Cited

Berg, H-Y. “Reducing Crashes And Injuries Among Young Drivers: What Kind Of Prevention Should We Be Focusing On?”. Injury Prevention, vol 12, no. suppl_1, 2006, pp. i15-i18. BMJ, doi:10.1136/ip.2006.012062. Accessed 14 July 2020.

De Lisi, Steven M. “Tips for Driving More Safely.” Fire
Engineering, vol. 155, no. 11, Nov. 2002, p. 24.

Mayhew, D. R., and H. M. Simpson. “The Safety Value Of Drivers ed And Training”. Injury Prevention, vol 8, no. ii3–ii8, 2002. BMJ Journals, Accessed 14 July 2020.

Muha, Laura. “Arrive Alive: Fred Mottola’s Tips for Driving
Safety.” Biography, vol. 5, no. 6, June 2001, p. 70.