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Drivers Ed Online – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Andrew DeGarmo
From: Bristol, WV
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

In the Driver’s Seat

Driving a vehicle should be taken more seriously than how most people view it. Controlling a vehicle doesn’t only need skills, but knowledge of the roads and its many rules according to each state. Due to a big portion of drivers not taking their driving as seriously as they should, there are more deaths than more than half of the wars the United States has been in. Taking a drivers ed class can better prepare yourself for any encounter on the road. They can even teach you how to keep your vehicle in good shape, so you aren’t in a greater chance of a wreck; the tread on your tires are too worn, use the penny test.

I believe that police officers should be more present on the road and enforce the rules to any dangerous driver. The more the police are about, the more the drivers could think more about their driving, because if they don’t, they will get penalized. I believe if everyone took a drivers ed class and passed, the number of deaths would decrease somewhat significantly. Another idea that I trust would decrease the number of vehicle related deaths was if they had to present license (with the point system) and registration card before they could shift the gears into drive.

I have not personally been in a car accident, but my aunt got hit by a semi with her kid and husband in the car while she was pregnant. They battled the company for years finally winning the lawsuit. I have seen a friend of mine drive recklessly and not only me, but three of my friends have told him to take it seriously and stop messing around.

To be a safer driver on the road, I would need more years of experience under my belt, my baseball career has helped me a lot with peripheral vision. Something that I could work on to perfect is remembering how many cars are near me as I drive, so when a car goes in my blind spot, I know they are there. I believe that if we raise awareness for vehicle related accidents and if you need to complete a drivers ed class or test and pass with the desired score, you may be able to drive. Everyone needs to drive defensively to dramatically decrease the vehicle related deaths.