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Drivers Ed Online – In Full Eyesight

Name: Richele Phaler
From: San Rafael , CA
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In Full Eyesight

In Full Eyesight

By Chili Phaler

Throughout my life I have learned that operating a vehicle is the equivalent of using an armed gun. This is why taking a drivers ed course is so important. Being educated on the rules of the road, promotes safe and responsible drivers. It is important to be aware of your vehicle and your surroundings, not only for the safety of yourself, but for the safety of other civilians around you, almost like wearing a mask in today’s pandemic. The reason why we drive defensively is to lower fatalities and accidents because they can be easily avoided. To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, never go behind the wheel if you are even slightly impaired, always give the road your full attention, obey all laws, signs, and signals, have a good non assuming attitude, and most importantly drive defensively.

 A while back my sophomore year, I was in a car accident on my way to a Tri-School class. I was not able to drive a car yet so I took the school shuttle to bring me to the other school where I would take my class, then return to my main school after. On my way to the other school the driver of the van was being a responsible driver who was obeying all rules and driving defensively. As the shuttle was coming to a complete stop at a red light, the shuttle was hit from behind by a small car. The operator of the car was a 16 year old girl, it was her birthday, and she was driving without a license. This young girl just received her car. We all got in contact with our parents to tell them what happened while one girl on the shuttle called one of the faculty in the Main Office to say we got into a car accident. The vehicle took very minimal damage and we were still able to get to class, even though we were a little bit late. That incident always sticks in my head because that could have easily been me or a loved one driving like that. Watching the evening news, there was an example of a young driver driving over the speed limit, got into an accident, unintentionally killing herself, and three other passengers. I’m thankful for being able to take such a driving course that allows me to become a responsible driver.

To be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road, you can demonstrate safe driving practices and use your eyes and knowledge. One second where you are not using your eyes can be the difference between life or death