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Drivers Ed Online – Stay Alert, Arrive Alive

Name: Matt Elenteny
From: Lawrenceville, GA
Votes: 0

Stay Alert, Arrive Alive

Drive Alert, Arrive Alive

The Georgia policy by the same name as the title of this essay highlights one of the greatest issues with driver safety and one of the things that needs to be emphasized in drivers ed courses. A distracted driver is one of the most dangerous things that one can find on the road, and an emphasis on the dangers of distraction will help prevent more fatalities and accidents in the future. One of the areas often overlooked, as far as distractions go, is the dangers of driving while tired. I have personal experience in this matter as I have been involved in an accident due to driving while I was too tired. I saw the car approaching but even though my mind recognized the issue and I could have avoided it or the danger in presented were my mind not so fogged over with exhaustion. Since then and in the future, I make sure that I am in a proper state of mind to be driving and I believe that some form of teaching as what that proper state of mind is can prevent accidents and death in the future for new drivers.