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Drivers Ed Online – Road Safety Reform in Action: How Are Actions of Today Create the Safety of Tomorrow

Name: Jordyn Fowers
From: Roy, Utah
Votes: 0

Road Safety Reform in Action: How Are Actions of Today Create the Safety of Tomorrow

Road Safety Reform in Action: How Are Actions of Today Create the Safety of Tomorrow

Drivers ed is critical for the safety of society. However, education must be accompanied by action to be effective. To further safe driving in our communities, we must educate others. We must correct bad driving habits in both ourselves as well as our family and friends, even when it is uncomfortable. It is our responsibility to inform others we drive with to be defensive and attentive while on the road. By doing so, we further enforce positive driving habits and the safety of those we love.

When I was a child, my mother got in a car accident while not wearing a seat belt as a result of a distracted driver. As a result, she now has chronic back issues that will likely affect her for the entirety of her life. This event taught me at a young age about the dangers of driving. I learned that vehicles are dangerous and they take lives when not operated properly. It is because of this event that I now take responsibility to inform others of proper driving habits. I take that initiative because I would not be able to live with myself if I sat idly and allowed them to practice driving habits that ended their life.

While it is necessary to teach others proper driving habits, it must start with us as individuals. It is our responsibility to never engage in any form of distracted driving. It is irresponsible and dangerous to text, take calls, eat, operate a GPS, apply makeup, adjust music, etc. while driving. It is our responsibility to never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is our responsibility to drive the speed limit. It is our responsibility to wear a seat belt. It is our responsibility to be a defensive driver. By following these guidelines, we set the standard for other drivers to follow. It is then and only then that we can influence those around us to drive safer.

Drivers ed saves lives. The earlier we teach our children about the dangers of driving, the more influence we can have on their driving habits. As a society, we need to teach our children from a young age that vehicles are dangerous. They need to know that if not operated appropriately, then vehicles become weapons capable of killing themselves and others. It would be invaluable to teach our children about the importance of driving safely. Implementing road safety into the educational curriculum would make our children better drivers in the future and would tremendously help reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving in the future.