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Drivers Ed Online – The Responsibilities of the Road

Name: Hayley Geller
From: Boca Raton, Florida
Votes: 0

The Responsibilities of the Road

Driving is a popular rite of passage for people as they reach the age requirement, and can start to drive on their own. Driving comes with rules and great responsibility, and if not followed, there can be serious consequences. There are many ways to prevent accidents from occurring if just a few simple steps are taken.

Drivers ed is an important part of the driving experience. Driving education allows you to learn the rules of the road, what to do in case of an emergency, when you when not to drive, and how to drive safely. In doing so, it helps reduce the numbers of deaths that may occur as a result of driving. Drivers ed is important tool that helps reduce risks on the road. By having every new driver take lessons and learn about the importance of focus and safety while driving it helps prevent problems and can save many lives.

There are many danger on the road these days and drivers ed is a great help when learning how to deal with situations that may arise. Steps that can be taken to help reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving include online courses, simulations, and driving tests. One of the main causes of deadly car crashes are due to the use of phones while driving. One way to teach new drivers the importance of staying off their phones when on the road is a computer simulation that shows them the effects of choices they make as they drive. Another step that can be taken to prevent drivers from using their phones is by adding another part to the driving test where the driver will receive a call and the tester will see whether they pick the phone up while driving or how they otherwise handle the situation.

As a child, my parents taught me that a car is a weapon, responsibility and privilege, and that I didn’t earn a car, it was gifted; at any moment, if they felt that I was abusing my driving privileges, my car would be taken away from me. When driving it is so common to look out your window and see drivers being irresponsible. Regardless of their age, gender, or driving history there are so many people who participate In activities that could potentially cause accidents. For example, one night when my mom was driving home with my sisters a man on his phone was making a right turn and turned into their car, flipping it and putting all three of them in the hospital. Luckily, the injuries they sustained were treatable, but this shows one of the potential dangers of driving irresponsibly.

Steps that can be taken to ensure safe driving and help other become safe drivers is encourage yourself and others to take an online course before starting to drive, advocate against driving while on phones, and informing others about the responsibilities that come with driving and the importance of following the rules of the road.