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Drivers Ed Online – In the Fast Lane

Name: Matthew Duy Nguyen
From: Fort Worth, TX
Votes: 0

In the Fast Lane

In the Fast Lane

What is for dinner?” I complained to my mother. Nevertheless, she was too occupied with talking on her phone. Loud drumming of my breadbasket mirrored a thunderstorm outside the car window. No more than seven years old I was. It was an hour drive home as we continued along the horizon. Suddenly, Bang! The front windshield goes flying off its hinges. Glass shattering slashed across the dashboard. A seatbelt tugged against my chest. With my puny body suspended in midair, it felt like awaiting the drop on a roller coaster. It shocked my heart to stop for a moment. I recalled seeing the dark clouds as the vehicle inclined upwards. Gravity pulled me back to reality. The tires shrieked to a halt within the blink of my eyes. I, shocked and astonished, began weeping uncontrollably. Getting rained on became overshadowed by the emotional pain. No one lost any limbs, just some sanity. The horrifying incident still haunts my nightmares from time to time.

Driving never looked as prestigious afterwards. Many may consider it a privilege to take the wheel. Some believe a license engenders reputation and honor; however, the undisputed conclusion lies in the million lives ran over on an annual basis. How a bottle and keys in hand can have such a heartless epiphany. Danger fires up behind each engine ignition. Broken tears brace for the unforeseen impact. It is a risk. Fortunately, with life’s bumpy roads, to learn from our mistakes permits humanity to venture the unknown. Safety requires order; order derives from discipline. The perfect driving experience is a wish come true – as the wind blows through your hair with the windows rolled down. There stands a place to ensure our desires: driving school.

As more eyes shy away from blatant construction signs, a guiding hand would remind individuals about the fundamental basics 101. Modernization issues, such as texting and driving, demands an emphasis towards one’s precious life. An instructive institution may address our negligence – and bad habits. To respect every rule of the road and authoritative regulations is essential: turn on blinkers when lane-changing, be caution of the blind spots, and always be on the correct side of the road. The unnoticeable considerations will turnabout the worst of situations. A few minutes late does not justify being behind bars for a year. Ultimately, all actions start with an educated notion. One must be taught the right way before they take a wrong turn.

There will be qualified and nonqualified travelers. Every solution initiate with acknowledging the problem. Operating an automobile takes practice; it necessitates time. Comprehending the state’s driver handbook will allow people to have an extra step on the gas. Take it from me – as a seven-year-old: put off that notification and lock those eyes straight ahead. Each second counts. I, being aware, keep my hands on the 3 and 9 o’ clock until entering the driveway. What happens next? A bowl of spaghetti awaits on the table. 

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