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Drivers Ed Online – Increasing Road Safety

Name: Maryanne Nwoye
From: Fulshear, Texas
Votes: 0

Increasing Road Safety

Increasing Road Safety

For many American teenagers going to drivers ed, getting a license, and a shiny new car on their 16th birthday is just part of the high school experience. Unfortunately, the increasing commonality of this process has led many people to underestimate the importance of being safe when driving for their sake and others. And as a Texan, it truly terrifies me when kids my age with enormous Ford pickup trucks drive recklessly or under the influence because the immense destruction a vehicle like that can cause. I believe drivers ed can play a huge role in reducing the number of people killed in accidents every year. For many kids simply being told “driving is dangerous” isn’t enough to convince them that it’s so. Kids should be taught from a young age of the dangers they can face on the road so that they know driving is a big responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

At times I see my own mother text and drive or make phone calls that take away her attention from the road. It makes me think that if a woman my mom’s age who didn’t grow up technology can’t give her undivided attention to the road at times, how could people my age do so? I think another thing that can protect young drivers and the people around them is holding them accountable when you notice harmful driving habits. For example, if your friend is jamming to a song in the car screaming and singing along do you truly believe you’re being safe? Hold them accountable and let them know there’s a time and place for everything even texting. With the modern technology we have you can text someone without even picking up your phone so there are absolutely no excuses, let them know that they are endangering themselves and others.

People of all ages need to be reminded that motor vehicles are powerful, and the slightest mistake can lead to irreparable harm. Teaching friends and family about road safety and holding them accountable will save so many lives but always remember it is just as important to practice what you preach and be a safe driver as well.