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Drivers Ed Online – Innovation That Kills

Name: Angela Dacanay
From: Chester, VA
Votes: 0

Innovation That Kills

As civilization moves forward and finds innovation throughout the world, the making of cars goes along with it. However, there are always complications with innovation.

Many live in suburban areas, forcing them to use transportation, and what better way than using cars? The importance of drivers ed is to spread information about possible situations that can happen on the road. This can reduce the number of deaths because if the driver is knowledgeable in both driving and possible situations, it can reduce the number of deaths. The more information that is obtained, the fewer chances of accidents and deaths overall.

There are many steps that people can take before they drive, during, and after. Before driving, the driver can adjust their seat for their comfort, put on their seatbelt, and adjust their mirrors. During the drive, the driver can make sure they use their blinker, look at their blind spots, and make sure they are conscious of their surroundings. However, many don’t think about the risks of driving when it comes to after. The driver can make sure they’re in park and check their tires. By taking action before, during, and after driving, all of these steps can help reduce the number of deaths because they are prior actions a driver can do to prevent accidents for themselves and others around them.

While I have never been in an accident, my mother has. My mother has always been one of the safest drivers, she does all the steps that I’ve listed prior. Yet it was her that got into an accident, the time she did get into one wasn’t her fault. The driver that caused the accident wasn’t looking, resulting in an accident and possible death to my mother. Luckily the accident wasn’t that bad, but it still could’ve put significant damage to both drivers. This is why it is so important to take steps before, during, and after driving to reduce possible accidents like what my mother has been through.

There are different steps to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road. But the way I will become a better and safer driver is to watch videos on safe driving. As well as read instructions on how to act in possible situations when I am on the road. When it comes to helping others to become safer drivers, I feel like it might be boring to just teach people. So to spread information, I hope to keep the topic clear, casual, and concise. So the conversation will be casual so the person won’t become bored, and the information will be straight a quick, while still emphasizing the importance of driving safely.

A driver might be a “pro,” but that doesn’t mean they can’t get into an accident. It’s tremendously important to take action in a drivers ed and take steps for future situations because you never know what might happen on your adventure on the road.