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Drivers Ed Online – Spread Knowledge Like Germs

Name: Chandler Murphy
From: Wesley Chapel, FL
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Spread Knowledge Like Germs

Whether we want to accept it or not, drivers have become more irresponsible with time. Implementing and enforcing drivers ed can benefit victims, drivers, and stop accidents that could have been avoided in the first place. Drivers ed goes hand in hand with accepting that ignorance is not bliss and deciding that in a position of power, in this case a position where your actions could take the life of another or damage property, we need to be responsible for learning as much as we can. I can compare this with the knowledge I attain versus those around me. I personally have never been in an accident and I contribute this to the studying of motor vehicle laws, information, and education out there. Whereas those I know who have been in an accident, one of the parties involved was usually doing something reckless such as eating and driving with a knee or not understanding the right of ways on the road. Knowledge spreads like wildfire if it’s given, so I choose to share it whenever I’m in a car with someone. If I’m not driving, I make sure their phone is not in use and their seatbelt is buckled. Reminding those who speed that speeding usually reduces the time you get there by less than 5 minutes but steadily increases the amount of accidents there are related to this issue. Let’s start by holding those around us accountable for their actions when we are in the car with them, so that when we aren’t, it’s now habitual. While keeping that in mind, we can also petition to implement better drivers ed courses in school for those approaching the legal driving age with real facts and statistics about what responsibilities drivers have. I believe it needs to be more direct on the consequences of driving. Sexual Education teaches you how to have sex safely as to avoid pregnancy and STDs that could lead to cancer; now we can compare that to drivers ed. If we teach safe practices at the ground level, we are setting up young drivers for a better chance of success. I remember taking my driver’s test and my physical test. I took no classes, I took one driving test that taught me nothing besides how not to turn sharply. If we could create a simple but effective curriculum for a semester class that could be implemented in DMVs as well, we could start influencing drivers of all ages to keep up with the safety as cars develop, as technology grows, how to safely set up Bluetooth cars so your phone is not in sight and so you can easily answer a phone call without being distracted. Veering away from younger drivers, we can see also that wrecks aren’t just from youths. This would help the older generations understand how to easily equip their cars to perform at the best level for safety. Accountability is important because it shows you care enough to challenge recklessness.