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Drivers Ed Online – The Accident That Changed My Life

Name: Sophia Rahim
From: Plano, Texas
Votes: 0

The Accident That Changed My Life

The Accident That Changed My Life

In my freshman year, I recall driving home from a Girl Scout meeting, when suddenly, my mom’s car was on the side of the road with a huge dent. Another car had crashed into our car because the driver was not only unattentive, but also under the influence of drugs. I remember being extremely terrified because of what had happened in such a short period of time. I was required to attend a chiropractor since my spine had shifted. From this moment on, I understood the importance of safe driving in a different way. My parents were both very cautious drivers and they typically stayed under the speed limit, even if we were late. I remember getting frustrated at my father after being tardy to an orchestra concert, yet he refused to speed. He said “We can’t get there any faster if we’re dead!” Drivers ed is extremely essential because all drivers must be familiar with the road signs. If one does not comprehend what a certain symbol means, such as the sign denoting that the roads are slippery, the driver’s lack of knowledge may result in unknowing bystanders being injured or in worse scenarios, getting killed. Driver safety campaigns are extremely impactful in reducing the number of deaths due to driving. For example, the don’t text and drive campaign has changed the lives of numerous individuals due to the scope of the campaign. This lesson was spread through commercials, posters, and even through TV shows, such as friends. I attended a meeting about the detrimental effects of texting and driving at my school where a police officer showed us a reenactment of one kid texting while driving on his prom night. This was extremely beneficial at my school as countless students pledged to drive safer. The DMV can continue to spread awareness through campaigns as most unsafe drivers drive the way that they do because of their lack of knowledge. If an impactful commercial is shown to multiple drivers around the world, the magnitude of this commercial could be massive. As a 17 year old with a license, I am required to follow the rules and I am only able to do this because of studying during my drivers ed course. If I am ever unsure about what to do, I will read up online about driving regulations. For example, if I see that the forecast calls for rain, I will review the tips on what to do in these situations. I have encountered countless situations when my friends have wanted to drive multiple minors, which is illegal in Texas, but I have reminded them of the dangerous impacts of driving multiple people as it reduces focus. Driving is a necessary form of transportation for my family and in order to remain secure, I do my best to follow all the rules to ensure the safety of myself and others. Safe driving is essential in society and I will do everything in my power to promote this.

Word Count: 498