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Drivers Ed Online – Intricate Maneuver

Name: Razzane Cleograce Mag-aso
From: Portland, ME
Votes: 0

Intricate Maneuver

Cleograce Mag-aso

of Southern Maine


my mom told me that I needed to go to driving school, I looked at her
in confusion. ‘Driving is easy, isn’t it?’ I thought. Like
always, mom understood my look and she just smiled and said, “You’ll
see.” With that, we contacted a trusted institution and scheduled
an appointment. By the end of it, I realized how vital going to
driving school is in terms of reducing car accidents. The first
advantage would be the vehicle itself when learning. The vehicle the
driving schools use are the ones that have a brake pedal on the
driver’s side and the passenger’s side, allowing teachers to
brake and prevent accidents. The second advantage would be the
driving teachers; they are trained professionals, so they know what
you need to look out for while driving and advise you of the rules.
The repeated reminders of the road rules forces it to become
habit—which would mean that less drivers would crash into one
another because one did not yield, or one did not maintain the proper
following distance or safe speeds.

uncle, his wife, and their 10-year-old daughter got into a car
accident. The vehicle that crashed into them ran a red light. My
uncle broke his arm, his wife fractured her leg, and their daughter,
thankfully, came out with a few scratches. In reducing road
accidents like the one my uncle and his family experienced, one
should go to driving school when they are just learning how to drive
to properly orient themselves to the road if manageable. If one lacks
the means to do so, they should ask a trusted relative who knows how
to drive and practice in isolated areas first before going into the
main road. Along with this, one must review the booklet about driving
rules in the library regularly until the learner is thoroughly
acquainted with what rules are always to be followed. The foundation
is the most important part because it builds our attitude towards
driving. We must then keep this commitment because driving is a
privilege that we are licensed to do so when we pass the exams. Along
with this, people should remember that driving while under the
influence, speeding, disobeying stop signs and not buckling up are
not worth the risk of harming yourself or others. Rules only exist to
protect all of us, we should follow them because life is worth living

be a better driver, I should turn off my phone, turn down the volume
of my music during driving so that I will focus my attention on the
road. I should also encourage my passengers to pay attention and
minimize distractions. I should also encourage my peers to do the
same because they have the same tendencies as I, like fiddling with
their smart watches and turning up the radio loud enough to drown out
an ambulance or police sirens.