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Drivers Ed Online – 1 “Alice” > 1 distraction

Name: Iliana Cabral
From: New Haven, Connecticut
Votes: 0

1 “Alice” > 1 distraction

1 “Alice” > 1 distraction

One text. One call. One distraction. My best friend’s life is worth more than all of those combined – is yours? I was in second grade when Alice came to school with a weird mushy thing around her neck. Too young to realize the severity of the situation and articulate my questions, I looked at her face. In that moment, I learned what fear from a car accident looked like. She had it all over her face. My Alice, heck no one’s Alice or any child, should have to experience something as traumatic as a car accident. That day did not only change the individual at fault’s life, but also an innocent kid’s life for the worse. Her neck brace might be gone, but the scars on her face and in her heart will follow her and her loved ones for the rest of their life. Everyone has an “Alice” in their life; no one wants to see their “Alice” harmed in a car crash. We must help save our current and future “Alices” by creating and educating safe drivers.

So let’s do it, you and me. Let’s take steps now to create a safer driving experience for those around us. Sure, the sound of our phone ringing entices us to take a brief break from driving to satisfy our curiosity and read the delivered message. But, is that brief moment worth putting the passengers in our car or the car next to us in danger? No. So, let’s show that we value other people’s lives by silencing our phones to limit distractions, keeping the music volume low, and staying attentive to other drivers.

Education: the thing that drives innovation and knowledge for every generation. One benefit to education is that it helps society run smoothly. We educate our children as soon as they are 4 years old. Typically, children receive education until high school or college, so for around 15 years of their lives they study, learn and become “productive” members of society. Why do we educate children in topics such as math, english, and history? Well, I believe society does this because such education has the influence to give people life and a purpose. If we are so willing to invest in our children’s future, why do we not ensure their safety on the road? We should not only educate our children in the classroom, but also in a car. Continued and improved drivers ed for all is the key to saving the children’s lives that we so willingly invest time and money in. Drivers ed will change lives by giving people another day to live. Education helps us learn how to do something and shapes our thinking. We must continue and improve upon drivers ed because it will influence tomorrow’s drivers and will affect your life.


* 1 “Alice > 1 distraction: One life is “greater than” / more important than a distraction cause by one text, one call, one moment in the driver’s seat.