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Drivers Ed Online – It Only Takes One

Name: Brent Pinkerton
From: MArtin, SD
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It Only Takes One

It Only Takes One

My uncle was just 19 years old when he was hit head on by a drunk driver, totaling his vehicle, but sparing his life. From that moment on, he was able to see the physical and emotional damage drinking and driving could cause to so many lives, including his own, as the accident permanently paralyzed him from the waist down. All across the reservation where we live are “THINK” and “WHY DIE?” signs planted in the grass where so many people have lost their lives due to distracted or impaired driving. It’s no secret the damage that alcohol causes on the reservation, especially when combined with driving. Unfortunately, alcohol and distracted driving are not the only factors in driver and passenger fatalities and accidents. Not a decade later, my uncle was involved in another accident where he was hit head on by a driver who fell asleep at the wheel, furthering his injuries. While these incidents were not the fault of my uncle, they completely changed the course of his and our family’s life.

As soon as I could, I learned how to drive. Not only because I was a teenager, but because I found a passion for vehicles and was inspired by my uncle’s story. I did not want to fear what a vehicle or the driver behind the wheel could do, but instead, I wanted to embrace all that it had to offer. I began my journey of learning the mechanics behind automobiles to gain a better understanding of how they worked, and I took every opportunity I could to be on the road, to become a better driver. I became a bus driver for my local elementary school where I learned how to maneuver many different types of vehicles with and without passengers for 10 years. In that time, I gained so much knowledge about driving, as well as other drivers around me.

Attempting to control a several ton vehicle and be scary, especially when combined with drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, unfavorable road and weather conditions, among many others. However, it is the drivers responsible to eliminate any potential threats or dangers in and around the vehicle. If a driver must drive in undesirable conditions, and even in all other driving situations, it is important to use caution, drive the speed limit if it is safe to do so, and ensure that the vehicle is properly maintained and up to date on safety regulations. It is also important to never assume anything about another driver’s skills or state of being, therefore, the driver must always be prepared for anything. Make sure you are well rested, wear proper clothing and shoes, and limit distractions such as cell phone use and eating. Simply following these few easy steps could save your life and many others. Becoming an informed driver by taking drivers ed, defensive driving, and being aware of road conditions, local road construction, and other news related to vehicles and driving can also help keep everyone safe and prepared for any situation. All of these things combined can help drivers become safer and more equipped to handle the everyday task and routine of driving.