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Drivers Ed Online – For Loved Ones

Name: Sirenia Garcia
From: Deer Park, TX
Votes: 2

For Loved Ones

Garcia 1

Sirenia Garcia

Drivers ed Initiative Award: In the Drivers Seat


For your Loved Ones

Drivers ed is a very important program to help teach students how to, both, take care of your future vehicle and how to work you vehicle when it comes to driving. Drivers ed also helps you learn the laws of driving in the street and warns you on what to do if a policemen pulls your over in an organized manor. At time, I have seen my older brother drive over the speed limit just so he can get a “rush,” which I do not appreciate since speed could risk his life, it is not worth it for the rush. He needs to stay on the speed limit so he can stay with his family. There are many things that can lower the risk of the number of deaths, like turning off your phone before you start to drive, focusing on the road and your surroundings, no drinking or driving (what cause most deaths), and many more. I know if everyone works together to teach our future generation to not be on their phones on the street, then the amount of deaths will decrease, which is something that will benefit everyone. The first step to help me become a better driver is to shut off my phone completely when I go out for a drive, any text message or call can wait until I arrive at my destination, it is not worth taking a call when I could save myself for my family. I can help others become better drivers by spreading the word of the “SAFE2SAVE” app where you can accumulate points from not texting and driving to get a free Chic-Fal-A sandwich! Which I know both my family and friends would love. I want to help eveyrone become better drivers, in our current world today, too many deaths are caused by reckless drivers, too many family’s impacted by the death of their family members by car. Everyone can be a safer and better driver, drive safe for maybe not you, but your loved ones.