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Drivers Ed Online – Being a Safe and Educated Driver

Name: Quintin Hollomand
From: San Marino, CA
Votes: 0

Being a Safe and Educated Driver

remember the shock and confusion that came from a car rear-ending my
mom, brother, and me while at a stop light on our way home from
school. The fear that ran through me was a feeling I will never
forget. Although nobody was seriously injured, it was enough for me
to understand the importance of drivers ed and safety.  

that I am older and have my license, I understand even more the
magnitude of being a safe and educated driver. With driver’s
education like online courses and workbooks, we can learn the rules
of the road and what to expect when driving. However, the real world
of driving is drastically different, and becoming a safe driver
really begins with practice and experience. Some aspects of driving
may seem simple, like making a turn or switching lanes, but what
isn’t so simple is when there are other cars on the road with you,
making decisions a little harder. The split second decision whether
or not to make that lane change can be dangerous without the proper
experience and practice.

reduce the number of deaths related to driving, lessons with a
certified instructor is the best place to start. This will allow you
to be critiqued by a professional who is observing your driving
tendencies. This will allow you to get real life experience out on
the road with other cars around, and be able to adapt to different
scenarios on the spot. Being able to make smart, fast decisions is
one of the most important aspects of driving, and it is important to
be educated on how to do so. Next, eliminating all distractions in
the car will direct your focus on the task at hand which is driving.
Music that is too loud, rowdy passengers, and cell phones are all
examples of these distractions. 

way I can be a safer driver on the road is to make sure that I am not
changing the music while I am driving. I will choose a playlist
before I get on the road so I do not have to look at my phone. I can
also make sure that my phone notifications are off so I am not
tempted to take my eyes off the road. A way that I can help others
stay safe is to impart my knowledge about driving to my younger
brother who is currently in the process of getting his driver’s
license. Since I have been driving for a couple more years than he
has, I have some experience and things I’ve learned that I can
teach him. Driving is a great privilege, but with it comes great
responsibility to keep yourself and others safe.