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Drivers Ed Online – Its Not Worth It

Name: prince glover
From: indianapolis, Indiana
Votes: 0

Its Not Worth It

Prince Glover


Drivers ed Initiative Essay

Drivers ed is important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving by making new drivers aware that driving is something that should be done in a responsible manner. It also emphasizes that if not done in such a manner, the consequences that you reap from driving irresponsibly can be something irreversible such as death (not only yourself but others) and jail time. There are many actions you can take to reduce the number of deaths while driving. One of the those actions being avoiding driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. This includes not getting into the car with anyone driving who is under the influence of drugs and alcohol as well. In these cases it is best to either have a sober designated driver or to simply just order a car service. Reading the drivers handbook in your state to understand the rules of the road along with general road signs would minimize driving deaths. Taking a defensive driving course is a great step to take because on the road more often than you think there will be an aggressive driver to deal with and it is important to know what to do in those situations. It never hurts to take some driver training course to help you get into the groove of driving safely and getting used to seeing road signs. Staying off of cellular devices and simply observing the road while driving is a crucial step to take in the battle of reducing the number of driver deaths.

I have been in one minor accident where I was at a stop light and the driver was parked perpendicular to where my car was at the stoplight. He ended up ramming into the right passenger side of the drivers seat and thankfully no one was hurt. There were two things that caused that accident. One of which the driver had just walked out of a bar and hopped into the drivers seat drunk. The second thing he did wrong was not observing what and where he was backing up into. I also have friends and family members who drive irresponsibly. I like to try and talk to them to remind them that they’re risking a lot by driving the way that they do. As a driver you don’t want to get into an accident and that it results in something that cannot be reversed. A totaled car, you die, passenger died, someone outside of the car died and the possibilities are limitlessly unknown. You can’t take back the events that happen when you drive irresponsibly.