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Drivers Ed Online – It’s Time To Drive!

Name: Riley Zanders
From: Jonesboro, Georgia
Votes: 2

It’s Time To Drive!

Riley Zanders, High School Senior

It’s Time To Drive!”

What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?; What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?; Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?; What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road? (500-words or less)

Learning to drive is usually the first major accomplishment in a teenager’s life; it definitely was for me. While driving provides a sense of freedom, there are precautions that need to be taken before allowing new drivers to venture out alone. Drivers ed is one of the best preparation tools for driving a car. The courses promote safety and produce safe drivers. Studies show that people who have not taken a drivers ed course are more likely to get a traffic ticket and more likely to get into an accident. These statistics prove that drivers ed courses are fundamental for drivers starting to get on the road. The classes not only help keep the new driver safe, they also keep the community safe. 

There are many ways to promote driver safety. The first thing drivers should always do, is to make sure everybody in the car is wearing their seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt protects everyone in the car. Statistics show that wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of death and injury in a car crash by 50%. Also, before you or anyone you know gets behind the wheel, make sure no alcohol or drugs have been consumed. Driving under the influence leads to poor judgment, decreased vision, and slower reaction time. Also, you should never try to multitask while behind the wheel. Distracted driving can hinder your ability to focus on the road. Critical errors in judgment tend to be made when drivers are not focused on the road.

The only car accident I can remember being involved in was when I was very young. I do not remember the specific details, but I know that no one was hurt. I now have my license and neither I, nor my friends participate in unsafe driving. My parents, on the other hand, try to be safe drivers, but sometimes both of them take part in distracted driving. Their distractions are usually due to their need to check their cellphones or multitask. 

The steps that I take to be a better driver will benefit everyone. First, I am always aware of my surroundings. Being aware of your surroundings helps when driving because it gives you time to react when something suddenly happens. I also cut out any distractions, which means ensuring my cellphone is set to “do not disturb” which eliminates the temptation to use my cellphone. Also, I ensure my seatbelt and everybody else’s seatbelt is on before I begin driving. I realize that even by following these steps and more, accidents can still happen. However, by proactively adhering to all the safety measures I have described, I am confident that I know how to stay safe on the road.