Name: Chanel Stewart
From: Los Angeles , CA
Votes: 48
“Keep Calm, Carry On, Careful Driving is Number One”
I would say that when we first
set out on the road, most of us find ourselves extremely careful. Yet
overtime, many develop a mind-set I refer to as the “Road Expert”,
in other words, drivers who believe they are masters behind the wheel
and unknowingly disregard crucial safety laws. In this respect, I
think drivers ed is important in preventing deaths because
it instils traffic safety laws and fundamental driving skills before
anyone sets foot on the road, heightens awareness of proper safety
procedures, and ensures that drivers have a clear understanding of
the consequences of risk behaviors. Steps that can be taken to reduce
driving-related deaths are to obey traffic laws, practice defensive
driving, let your presence be known to pedestrians and bikers, do not
drive under the influence, stay alert, remember emergency measures
(i.e. hydroplaning), arrive to engagements early to prevent rushing
to your destination, and make sure your vision and hearing are not
obstructed. During my 10 years of driving, the measures I take to
practice safe driving derived from my experience as a passenger in an
accident with my mother. I was about fifteen years old and my mother
was using her lunch break to pick my twin sister and I up from
school. She was driving on the right lane before entering an
intersection, when a woman from the opposite direction attempted to
make a left turn. She did not see my mother on the other side since a
massive van was next to her, therefore the woman continued her left
turn. In that moment, my mother knew what would happen and
immediately backed up, which resulted in the woman hitting the front
of my mother’s car. I remember calmly sitting in the back on the
driver’s side listening to my music when it happened. Next thing I
knew, there was an overwhelmingly loud noise followed by the car
jolting, causing my head to hit the back of the driver’s seat. It
all happened extremely quickly and I sat there in complete shock. We
were all taken to the hospital to be investigated and experienced
minor neck and shoulder pains. My mother of course experienced more
pain as a result of the bag exploding. If she had not been alert and
anticipated the woman’s motives, something more severe could have
happened. I openly admit that in the past I developed the “Road
Expert” mind-set on the road yet from this experience, I feel that
the necessary steps I can take to improve this would be to increase
my awareness at all times especially if my view is blinded by other
factors on the road, never rely on others’ judgement but instead
anticipate the safest course of action, and practice more on
emergency responses to prevent potential accidents. I plan to
reiterate these precautions to some of my younger friends who have
yet to begin driving. I feel that these actions would definitely
prevent accidents in the future for others.