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Drivers Ed Online – Lets Make Driving Safe

Name: Zakaria Holt
From: Newburg, Maryland
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Lets Make Driving Safe

Zakaria Holt

Drivers ed teaches new drivers the skills of being behind the wheel. New drivers learn what to do on the road and when to do it. They learn how to handle other types of drivers on the road like cyclists and how-to drive around pedestrians. With the knowledge of the road being installed in new driver’s heads they will know the dos and don’ts of the road. In drivers ed after being taught a certain portion of material, the person will be tested on that information. Drivers ed makes sure the new drivers come out of the course knowing everything they need to stay safe on the road. There is a reason a driver has to take a full course of drivers ed. Without it, a new driver would not be able to get the one on one training behind the wheel with a qualified driver. That is what a new driver needs, the experience behind the wheel to reduce car accidents.

Before anyone can obey the simple traffic laws, they need to have respect for themselves, other drivers, cyclist, and pedestrians. The main causes of deaths related to driving accidents is that drivers choose to disobey driving laws and traffic signals. If everyone was to follow the driving laws there would be a reduced number of deaths related to driving. Those who choose to not to follow the rules are considered irresponsible drivers. That means you choose to get on the road not caring about anyone’s safety including your own. A driver must avoid distractions, stay within the speed limit, and anticipate what other drivers are going to do to avoid car accidents. People need to start considering the consequences when getting behind the wheel. These are the next steps a driver needs to take to reduce car accidents.

Thankfully I have not been involved in a car accident myself but I have been in the car with other drivers who make me feel uncomfortable when riding with them. I personally do not like getting in the car with another new driver. I prefer to drive on my own. My friends will be on their phones, speeding, and multitasking while driving. It makes me feel like they do not care about my safety or their own. Even though, I see how irresponsible my friends and family are at driving I am guilty of it to. I drive much safer when I have passengers in the car than I do when I am alone. I will be on my phone trying to change my music while I drive. I sometimes end up going a few miles over the speed limit. For me to be a better and safer driver I will watch my speed and stay within the speed limit. I will keep my phone out of my reach and use my voice control system for any emergency if necessary. I want to be a better driver and this is what I will do to become that.