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Drivers Ed Online – Lets Show Driving is a Privilege On Our Roads

Name: Aishah
From: Springdale, Maryland
Votes: 0

Lets Show Driving is a Privilege On Our Roads

Let’s Show Driving is a Privilege on Our Roads

To be able to perform at anything one’s mind must be in the right state to have a well performance. Drivers ed holds high play when it comes to having that right mind in being a responsible and accountable driver. Not only having the right mindset but the ability to be safe and follow all rules to driving in area and avoiding any issues with other cars on the road. Drivers ed seems as a definite source of comfortable safety when it comes to avoiding accidents or any altercations towards driving and it is like that mindset comes to play at all times but especially when one can be in traffic and anger is built and frustration. That is why one should put all effort in understanding why keep rest of mind and being safely careful can go a long way on the road.

So many actions and step can be taken as regards to not only the decreasing of deaths but to overall making the roads safe because now and days students attend there drivers ed and only do it to get it done and not do it to learn. Which I find as the center issues for all road altercations. Someone attitude towards driving can be a under point as well. A positive, calm, and aware attitude is all that is needed. Firstly I feel strongly that drivers ed does its job when it comes to preparing drivers. It should continue because without it for even our future hyperactive generations they will certainly and highly need the programs. Especially for the sake of other drivers on the road because once again when on the road one can’t only think of themselves wen driving because you are not owning but sharing the road with so many other people so there life should always be at mind though they could be complete strangers.

For as long as I could remember I’ve never been in a car accident but I have witness them occur to strangers mostly on the highways. I see quite a range from cars colliding and only one is completely on fire. To a deadly one where both cars and people ended up in the middle of the woods. You can only imagine what could’ve been thought or thinking on how such could even happen. Me personally the step I would like to take to make a general difference to all is finding a way to catch the attention of drivers and actually fully give a stylistic for of educating to the drivers where they would find it interesting to take in the knowledge but also let it manifest and show in there right and safe ways of driving. This could also help our future drivers as well because they will generally mimic what they see especially the younger aged drivers.