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Drivers Ed Online – Life in Your Hands

Name: Maxime Anabelle Garcia
From: Cerritos, California
Votes: 0

Life in Your Hands

There have been two shocking times when I’ve been driving that almost resulted in major collisions, both of which were not my fault. Both times, the driver in front of me had cut me off, causing slight panic and definitely raising my mom’s heart rate. I only had my permit at the time and I was shown immediately the dangers of driving. Educating drivers like this will help to keep other drivers on the road safe, including themselves. My cousin was driving me home once and an Amazon truck cut clean across the road in front of us and made us swerve. No one was hurt, but if others were able to realize the possible consequences of their actions, this may not have happened. Accepting that being late is not nearly as bad a consequence as losing your life or taking the life of another is something that should be taught as well as general safety tips such as what to do if someone cuts you off or if your car goes into a skid. By helping drivers to understand that while it may be impossible to control others’ driving, they can stay alert and defensive, the DMV will also be helping them possibly save lives. If drivers are aware of what they can do, it can help them to stay calm in alarming situations rather than panicking and possibly injuring themselves.

We must hold drivers like that accountable instead of being angry and letting it slide. Reteaching road etiquette, even if the driving didn’t result in a major accident, can benefit all those who drive for a job and help keep them safer on their routes. If my mom wouldn’t have been helping me in the car, I may not have been able to continue driving from the shock. While she was the one that kept me calm, she too practices certain bad driving habits. At stop lights she is constantly checking her phone for emails from work, which is something that she has always been doing. It’s difficult to break such an ingrained habit, but if drivers truly understand what may happen if they continue it, I believe it can be broken quickly. Since I’ve started driving, she hasn’t been on her phone in the car at all because she understands that I will practice what I see. If she thinks it’s ok to use her phone in the car, I may think it’s ok and start doing it. In order to keep her daughter safe, she has finally started practicing safer habits. I’m glad I was able to help her see the mistake she was making and work to fix it. I absolutely won’t be on the phone while driving, especially if there are others in the car. I have picked my sister up from school when she is there late and I could never forgive myself if my ignorance was the reason she got hurt. Not using my phone while I drive also shows her that it isn’t allowed and will hopefully motivate her to practice safe driving habits when she gets behind the wheel. I want her to be able to look at me and see someone who is safe not only because it is my responsibility, but because of how much I truly care for others.