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Drivers Ed Online – A Close One

Name: Allen Blake
From: Accokeek, MD
Votes: 0

A Close One

When I think of driving safety I think about how everyone is privileged to drive, it’s not mandatory that you drive but it’s a right that is given from the state saying that we can drive as long as we have legal paperwork and ID to represent that. You should be responsible when driving because not only are you putting your life at risk when you’re driving but other people on the road, even passengers that ride with you. You should always know how to drive and know when you are ok to drive instead of trying to impress people and try to do cool things while your driving like smoking or drinking etc. a lot of minors are the people that are in danger the most because there new to the driving system and there gonna want to do a lot while they have a car in possession, but making sure they know and follow the road is a start and maybe some monitoring by parents when they drive with there issued license. It’s also a good thing that they know the consequences of the road as well as their rights to avoid any trouble with law enforcement and so they won’t get pulled over. Also knowing their car and knowing when it needs maintenance or oil change. Driving can be dangerous but if you follow the rules and know how to maneuver on the road where you live and everywhere else and what can happen if you drive recklessly on the road, they may be a little intimidated but nevertheless they will feel better about what you told them and they will follow the rules like always wearing your seatbelt, follow the speed limit, staying in your lane etc. One rule that would help a lot of new drivers when getting their ID is a curfew so they are not out all day or all night so that way you can monitor them and they won’t be getting into trouble. I saw a lot of people on the road committing DUIs and speeding all over the place, that is very dangerous because now their senses are impared and now something could happen at any random time because their senses are down and they are not so alert. Being aware of your surroundings is another rule to follow because you won’t know every place you’re in and you gotta know if the area has a lot of crazy drivers or an area that moves at a certain pace. If you’re driving at night it’s best not to travel alone because anything can happen while you’re behind the wheel like you could fall asleep or you could become dizzy from too much light, coming from the other cars on the road. You never know what can happen on the road so it’s best to follow the rules of the road so that everyone makes it home safe and sound that way there won’t be any problems or any close ones.