Name: Madison Clements
From: Hanceville, Alabama
Votes: 0
The Importance Of Drivers ed
importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as
the result of driving is, most car crashes are not related to
recklessness but are more correlated to inexperience. Vehicle crashes
are the number one leading cause of death in teenagers, sitting at
33%. Drivers ed is associated with lowering the incidence of
both collisions and convictions by reducing vehicle collisions by
4.3% and convictions by 40%. Most importantly it provides an
environment that teaches confidence leading to more knowledge, skill,
and better attitudes for the driver, as well as for the pedestrian.
Steps that can be made to reduce the number of deaths related to
driving incidents are to avoid distractions, never drive under the
influence, and obey traffic laws. Furthermore, a greater emphasis
should be placed on lowering our travel speeds, as it will increase
the chance of losing control of the vehicle. When crossing through
intersections or streetlights never assume the other drivers on the
road will stop so, ensuring constant attention to the surroundings
allows for maximum time to react. While driving it is important to
always have a plan, allowing the driver the least amount of room for
error. Keeping your eyes focused on the road in front of you is
paramount, because by distracting yourself for as little as 5 seconds
can equate to driving the length of a football with your eyes closed.
I have personally been involved in a vehicle accident with another
family member behind the wheel, due to their irresponsibility. Two
major lessons learned from that event was that she was not paying
attention to the road an allowed herself to be distracted, as well as
she was not obeying the traffic laws. During the crash the radio was
turned up to a ridiculous level and with that came the distraction of
singing and dancing behind the wheel, which inevitably led to her
driving through a red light. While learning from that and other
stories I have heard through family and friends of accidents they
were involved in is that at times I could better myself when I am
behind the wheel. An important skill I could personally work on is
lowering my speed, ensuring that I will have ample of time to stop in
a moment notice if need be. I also realize that I am not as
knowledgeable in every street sign and what they are indicating, so
something I plan to improve is my knowledge of indicators on the
road, to hopefully decrease my chances of being involved in an
accident. When behind the wheel we should always have the mindset
that the drivers around us as well as ourselves have family and
friends waiting for us to make it home at the end of the day, so
adding a little more care and consideration behind the wheel can lead
to a safer environment on the street.