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Drivers Ed Online – Making the Roads a Safer Place

Name: Logan Citko
From: Sea Cliff, NY
Votes: 0

Making the Roads a Safer Place

Making the Roads a Safer Place

In our world driving is something necessary for many people to be successful in their lives. While driving can lead to success it can also be a danger to yourself and others. One way in which to combat this danger is drivers ed programs that educate new drivers on how to safely drive and the rules of the road.

A drivers ed program can help reduce the death toll caused by driving in a variety of ways. One such way drivers ed programs can be beneficial is that it can provide a safe environment for a new driver to operate a vehicle under the supervision of a certified adult with driving experience. If it weren’t for this new drivers would receive all of their driving instruction from their parents or other family members who themselves might not have a good and complete understanding of driving. Another thing that drivers ed can provide is a classroom setting where each student can learn the ins and outs of the rules of the road and traffic laws that are in effect in each locale. By providing a space for new drivers to learn under the supervision of professionals drivers ed programs help reduce the deaths caused from driving.

Many steps have been taken with many more still required to make the roads a safer place for all. One such step which in some places have taken is making drivers ed mandatory for all new drivers. What this does in addition to providing a space to learn is it also standardizes the knowledge all drivers have. Another step that can be taken is the re-education of licensed drivers. While defensive driving courses exist to help educate licensed drivers, many people only take the course to get a reduction in their auto insurance. If programs like these were mandatory for all drivers, the knowledge of road users will grow and so will safety.

Throughout my life I have seen people around me driving irresponsibly. It wasn’t until I completed drivers ed and received my license that I fully realized how dangerous my family and friends were being. Before I received my license I would not pay attention to what my parents were doing while driving whether it be setting the GPS or changing the radio. Now that I have my license and I drive myself I have realized how dangerous this is and will assist my family so they can focus on the road. If it wasn’t for myself learning to drive and completing drivers ed I would never have realized how irresponsible and dangerous those around me are.

To become a better driver you can take many different steps. These steps can be as simple as being more aware of your surroundings, educating yourself on how to act while on the road and asking those in the car with you for help