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Drivers Ed Online – A Focus on Vigilant Driving

Name: Rebecca Burback
From: Lincoln, NE
Votes: 0

A Focus on Vigilant Driving

Rebecca Burback

2020 Drivers Ed Essay Contest

Education is seen as one of the most effective ways in preventing tragedy. Knowledge gives humans the power to understand, succeed, and thrive in this world today. Drivers ed provides the people with the knowledge to perform the procedure of driving. It provides people with the tools to practice safe driving, avoid potentially fatal driving incidents and to know what to do in dangerous situations. Having driving knowledge gives people the ability and confidence to practice safe driving, and therefore reduce the number of vehicular deaths.

One of the most important steps to reduce driving deaths is of course drivers ed. I think important steps to add would be requiring people to update their license and possibly retake driving tests when they reach certain ages (such as elderly). I also think it’s important to spread information about the possible brutal consequences that can occur as a result of reckless and/or uneducated driving. These consequences include, but aren’t limited to, misdemeanors, felonies, revoked license, critical injuries, lawsuits, and death of oneself and loved ones. People are social creatures. Humans feel empathy for one another, and I feel that one of the most effective ways of encouraging people to practice safe driving is by showing tragic real-life situations.

I have been in an accident before as a passenger and it has been the cause of my driving anxiety that I have today. I was with friends on a summer night travelling down a dirt road. We had no destination or goal, but to feel the warm breeze and live without a care for the night. Everyone was sober, but the driver decided to liven up the night by turning off traction control and trying to drift corners. It ended with the driver fishtailing and running us right into a tree. I suffered deep bone bruising to my knee and a bloody nose. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt, but the driver’s car was totaled and our parents’ were not happy. Back then, I thought of it as just an accident, but I see now that it has caused to me to have anxiety about driving and trusting people behind the wheel.

Finally, I have and will always take steps to being a better and safer driver. I have not been in an accident since the one I described and I have never caused an accident while driving myself. When the accident happened, I was a young teenager, and I have told the story numerous times to my little brother who is now 17. I continuously tell my friends and loved ones to “be safe” any time they are driving due to my experiences. The main step I take is informing my loved ones and myself constantly about how dangerous driving on the road can really be because I believe that education is the most powerful tool. I also take the steps to avoid looking at my phone, staying sober, and staying vigilant while driving.