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Drivers Ed Online – My Concerns with Drivers Education

Name: Owen R Fader
From: St. Cloud, Florida
Votes: 0

My Concerns with Drivers ed

My Concern With Drivers ed

Everything from reading, to writing, or even simple conversation stems from systematic instruction, also known as education. Being educated, even in the most basic form, allows one to develop the ability to reason and make intellectual judgements about the environment around them. Education also gives people knowledge of the world and helps them develop opinions on certain subjects. These skills not only apply to jobs and schooling, but the road as well. Drivers ed is especially important since driving is the cause of 34,000 deaths a year (more than the combined war casualties of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan). Before getting behind the steering wheel of a vehicle, one must have the proper training and knowledge of how it works to ensure safety for those inside and outside of the car. Even simple reminders or a quick refresher can help drivers stay focused and make smart decisions. However, general lack of drivers ed isn’t the only issue contributing to the number of deaths on the road. Distractions such as cell phones, alcohol, or even other passengers can play a crucial role in these deaths. As a driver, one must take steps to ensure they are fully focused on the road and the other drivers around them, so they must be prepared for any situation that could possibly happen. As a type one diabetic, I am always prepared if or when my blood glucose levels suddenly fluctuate while I am driving. Before I even think of jumping in the driver’s seat, I check my blood sugar, see how much insulin I have on board, and take any additional steps to make sure that I am the safest I can possibly be. Although I stress a lot about vehicle safety, some of my friends, unfortunately, do not. I have been placed in many situations where I am stuck in the passenger seat as my friend speeds down the highway with little regard for other drivers. Experiencing situations like this has caused me to focus on making sure that I am a responsible driver, so that no one sitting next to me feels like I did. To avoid becoming an irresponsible driver, a few considerations must be taken into account before pulling out of the driveway: wear a seatbelt at all times, be considerate of other drivers around you, avoid cell phone usage, pre-plan your trips, follow the posted speed limits, avoid driving aggressively, try to remain calm in any situation, and make sure your vehicle is properly maintenance. This list of criteria may seem like a lot to remember, but one should always try and follow these rules to be as safe as possible.