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Drivers Ed Online – Driving is not for you

Name: Jonathan Wood
From: Newnan, Georgia
Votes: 0

Driving is not for you

education is at the forefront of how one is to learn how to drive.
Without a teacher to guide another on how to drive, there would be a
lot more in the number of deaths. For a new driver to learn such a
dangerous task, someone with experience needs to teach them hands-on.
If not, there is a very high change of a mistake occurring. On the
road, a single mistake can lead to someone’s death.

One step that
can be taken to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving is to
increase the difficulty of the license driving test. In the state of
Georgia, I felt the driving test was far too easy and could easily
put others in danger. If there was more testing in order to get a
license, it would better ensure that people would be truly ready to
drive out on the road.

I have seen
firsthand people in my life that drive irresponsibly while I’m the
passenger. Usually, it is the driver on their phone or being
distracted by their phone. Instead of staying silent, I should step
up and say something to avoid endangering us any further. I need to
ensure that I am never distracted by a phone or any other device
before I start telling others what to do. I need to make sure that my
phone and any other distractions are put away. Music needs to be
lowered so you can hear important sounds like ambulances. If I ever
have a passenger, I need to ensure that the passenger is not
distracting. If I keep both of my eyes on the road and both hands on
the wheel, then I will become a better driver which will help keep
others on the road safe.