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Drivers Ed Online – Blink Of an Eye

Name: Dimarco West
From: Belleville, MICHIGAN
Votes: 0

Blink Of an Eye

Blink of an Eye

It was a normal Saturday morning, I’d just woke up and noticed that it was a tsunami of rain falling down from the sky. I didn’t pay much attention to it since scarfing down Captain Crunch. I didn’t really think it mattered until I had to drive in it. I thought it was going to be a normal day driving to diving practice. However, In just a blink of an eye, it went from a normal day to the most frightening day of my life. The road was so slippery that I caught a hydroplane that spun out of control. Not only that, but a car had run into me during the spin out. When it happened, I was so scared I couldn’t even breathe. When my parents arrived at the crash site they weren’t mad that I crashed the car, they were just glad that I was okay. But it made me realize something; what if I wasn’t okay. I could have been seriously injured or worse even dead. All in a blink of an eye I could have lost my life and I didn’t think anything of it before.

So I’m speaking from experience when I say; Driving Education is important while driving in certain situations. Driving education teaches people the basics about driving but it also teaches people about driving in certain weather conditions. A good step that driving education provides is that it shows videos of car crashes that were caused by careless drivers. In my drivers training class, my teacher showed us footage of car wrecks and how they could have been avoided. Though some of them might be too graphic, it reduces the chance of people driving carelessly. It sends a message in people’s minds that anything can happen out on the road. Weather it’s sliding on a sheet of ice, or some a**hole ramming into you while trying to beat the light. Although another step that can be used more is driving simulators. According to studies, driving simulators help people by setting them in a driving environment without any danger. It corrects you on your mistakes and tells you how to make better decisions while driving. If we implement them into driving classes more than we can reduce accidents . However, it doesn’t matter how many driving classes people take, all that matters is whether they try to use it or not.