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Drivers Ed Online – The More You Know

Name: Ry'an Francois
From: Gonzales , Louisiana
Votes: 0

The More You Know

More You Know

driving is one of the most common causes of vehicular accidents and
deaths in the United States. Fatal consequences are the result of a
variety of reasons ranging from not following the appropriate speed
limit, driving under the influence, reckless driving, and even rain.
As a result, the purpose of drivers ed is to protect both the
driver and the pedestrian from serious or fatal injuries, as well as
vehicular and property damage. Moreover, drivers ed will teach
an individual proper driving etiquette.

is the second most common cause of accidents in the United States.
driving tends to go hand in hand with anxiety or anger. Taking deep
breaths before starting a car will help relax a driver, in addition
to driving with light music, opposed to rap or hard rock. This will
increase one
awareness of speed and surroundings.

under the influence is the most dangerous cause of accidents. It is
the process of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or
other drugs. To avoid impaired driving, always have a designated
driver or if a person were to go out alone, they can order an uber.
Furthermore, avoid getting in a car with an influenced driver and if
you are the sober friend, protect others by taking their keys. Doing
so can spare someone

driving is a huge moving traffic violation that consists in driving
with disregard of safety to others. Tailgating, weaving through
traffic, illegal passing, and running red lights are a few examples
of inappropriate driving. Allotting time to get to a destination,
following traffic laws, and avoiding distractions, such as texting,
talking, or eating, can reduce the potential of an accident.

possible, avoid driving in the rain or on slippery roads, especially
if visibility is low. When driving in bad weather, it is crucial to
slow down, use windshield wipers, turn on headlights, and maintain a
safe distance between cars. In the event of hydroplaning, take your
foot off the accelerator and steer in the direction that the car is
headed. In addition, it is ok to pull over and wait out a storm if it
rains heavily.

summer I was excited to receive my first car, but I lost it soon
after. My friends and I were headed to a store when a elderly driver
t-boned the passenger side of my car as I turned a corner.We spun out
of control and the other driver
car flipped over twice. Luckily nobody was seriously injured, but
both cars were damaged beyond repair. This accident could have been
prevented if I were aware of my surroundings, and I am glad no lives
were lost.

For this reason, I make sure I am alert and am always ready to take
action at any time. In the event of riding passenger, I make sure to
offer a second pair of eyes to be extra safe. Helping others can save
my life as well as other road users.