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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Madison Spence
From: Peoria, Arizona
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Importance of Drivers Ed

Madison Spence


Importance of Drivers ed

Drivers ed is a vital class that can help save the lives of the students taking it and others. I enrolled into my Drivers Ed initially as a filler class for my junior year of high school. I passed my permit test a few weeks prior to starting the class. In the class, we did many worksheets and notes that had to be taken about road safety. It was all normal for me and didn’t interest me. But once the class go a few weeks in, the instructor would show us documentaries on topics, such as, drunk driving, texting, and driving, and overall distracted driving. I feel that the videos shown to the class really influenced how we drive now. The documentaries were very informative and graphic. I feel that teenagers jump into wanted to drive so fast is because it is one step closer to freedom, to adulthood. But not many people warn them about how dangerous it can be to drive and how big of a responsibility it can be. When driving, you cannot just think about yourself when on the road. You must think that there are people on the roads just like you, possibly people in your car. And making a mistake can put all those people at risk, not just you.

I learned that there are many things I didn’t understand about driving, as I thought there were. In the videos, it informs you on the consequences of making a mistake. One documentary was about a man who was driving down an interstate during the day. He got at text message from a friend, he looked down for a few seconds and hit an Amish buggy and killed the man driving it. The man who was driving was interviewed about the accident and what happened to him. He explains that he was charged with vehicular manslaughter. He served 10 years I believe for the death of the Amish man that was killed. He stressed that everyone should know that if you get a text while driving, it isn’t worth it. The message he received was but a small reply to an earlier message he sent. He regrets greatly ever looking down at his phone for a few seconds, because it cost a man’s life. This is not the only story I remember; many stories are now stuck in my head to remind me of the consequences of making even a small mistake while driving.

With technology now, things have become hands-free and more advanced. Even on my phone I have a setting where it sends an automatic text message to anyone that texts me while I am driving telling them I cannot talk at the moment and that I will be with them soon. Same thin with calls but if the call is important, I will pull over. Even with hands-free calling, I am still very cautious with how I drive. I avoid having any short of distracting while driving, so my attention is always on the road. As it should be for all the teens and adults driving. Drivers ed has taught me how cautious you must be when driving and what could happen to you and others.