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Drivers Ed Online – On the Road to Safer Driving

Name: Sophia RubyMae Mitchell
From: Phoenix, AZ
Votes: 0

On the Road to Safer Driving

On the Road to Safer Driving

On the road, there is no mistake that the best kind of driver is always an educated one. However, an educated driver is not merely someone who holds an official permit or license, rather, an educated driver is one who holds the proper knowledge behind said permit or license. An educated driver is one who has absorbed the information and constructive criticism they received during the process of earning their credentials. Not only that, but it is someone who actively utilizes this information on the road and overall contributes to a safer society – this is key to seeing a reduction in the number of driving-related deaths. Despite this being the case, the populous still experiences a surplus of these types of deaths. For that reason, drivers should make it a point – for the sake of themselves and civilians in general – to recall a select few steps that might save a life one day. With that, drivers should first evaluate themselves before stepping foot into the vehicle; and they should ask themselves whether they are in the proper condition to execute a safe journey from point A to B. Once in the vehicle, the driver should then be consistently attentive toward any and every road sign such as speed limits or stop signs, so that said driver is always in the know and virtually guaranteed a safe trip. Lastly, a driver should always be conscious of their surroundings while on the road, and they should try to think multiple steps ahead in case of an emergency. In my own personal experience, I have been the witness of a hit-and-run before, which involved a reckless driver swiping the bumper of my mother’s vehicle clean off as she was pulling out of the driveway to our home. Time and time again, I have seen multiple needless accidents happen as a result of reckless and aggressive driving. However, one can easily take steps toward betterment so long as they first focus on having accountability. A driver should always be making lawful and justifiable decisions on the road in order to confidently consider themself an educated driver, that way it would be much easier for one to take accountability for good driving, since they would consistently be taking the proper course of action while navigating the open roads. Additionally, any driver should remain especially conscious of their surroundings regarding vehicles, civilians, and hazards on or around the road. This means that a driver should avoid any form of distraction at all costs in order to spare every last second to observe and analyze such surroundings, and successfully avoid any casualties on the road to safer driving.