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Drivers Ed Online – One Moment

Name: Quaid S. Harsell
From: Tucson, AZ
Votes: 0

One Moment

Quaid S. Harsel

[email protected]

My name is Quaid Harsell and I am trying to become a computer engineer. I am looking for scholarships because of my family’s need for financial aid. While it may seem that my family is quite well off if you just look at my FAFSA, that does not cover that my father gives a large sum of his income to his ex-wife to help financially support her. It also does not count the fact that my older sister is currently going to college as well at Pima Community College to become a veterinary technician. Because of these extenuating factors on my family’s income that are not reported on the FAFSA, I was not able to receive any needs based scholarships, because of that, I have decided to seek financial aid from both the University of Arizona as well as many outside sources. I plan on becoming a doctor of computer and electrical engineering to pursue a career in robotics. After I have earned my degrees I have considered working for Raytheon where my father currently works or working for other tech based companies.

Throughout most of my life, I have had a love of science which has bleed over into almost all aspects of my life. Some examples of this are me accidentally soking the guests of my 4th birthday party when I decided to combine vinegar and baking soda in a closed soda bottle, watching and rewatching one of my favorite TV shows, Bill Nye The Science Guy, and at one point out of loneliness building a simple program named max to talk to me. That last one is the most important because it showed me all the things that I could do with a computer and sparked my interest in learning about robots and AIs.

When you are driving, one moment makes all the difference. One moment can be the difference between life and death. One moment can save you thousands of dollars on repairing your car. One moment can even decide the fate of those around you. When you are driving, you hold the life of not only you and your friends, but also the lives of those around you. That’s why it’s always important to be aware when you are driving, because you never know when that one moment will count.