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Drivers Ed Online – DMV Initiative Award

Name: Olu Sholeye
From: Houston, TX
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DMV Initiative Award

Olu Sholeye


DMV Initiative Award

Driving is a big responsibility and people need to know the risks and consequences of doing it incorrectly. The number of motor vehicle accidents that lead to serious injury and death can reduce if safety precautions are taken. Drivers ed is important because it provides the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for vehicle safety for both driver and other road users. Drivers need to understand the road rules to be careful. Driving takes practice and a lot of learning so a novice needs to understand that they are potentially putting their own and other people’s lives in danger if they are not careful.

There are many steps to take in order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving both by government, driver, and pedestrian such as the enforcement of traffic laws, more sidewalks, and a safety 360 degree mindset while driving which are no alcohol, speeding, or texting. It is extremely important for all occupants to wear their seatbelts so that in the event of a car accident, the passenger will not to be ejected from the car. Out of 37,133 deaths, 47% were not wearing seat belts, so it is best to wear your seatbelt for safety. Distractive driving is a major reason why people get into car accidents and other road complications. There are many distractions to driving such as loud music and phone use. Many preventable accidents happen, because people fail to put distractions aside since driving requires a lot of focus. Eliminating distractions is an especially important step to take because when you drive with them, you put yourself and other drivers in danger. The best way to reduce such distractions is putting your phone on silent and lowering your music.

Drunk driving is also a huge factor in car accidents. Symptoms of drunkenness include distorted vision, dizziness, and worst of all, clouding of judgment. Many deaths happen because drunk people get into serious accidents. They also risk the lives of other people along with their own when they drink and drive.

My friend is a prime example of driving irresponsibly because he is very careless when he drives. He has his music at a remarkably high volume, he speeds, and he uses his phone way too much. I always tell him to minimize his distractions, but he does not listen to me and he still drives recklessly. He almost got into a car crash one time because he was veering into someone’s lane just before they honked at him. I do not let him drive me anywhere because I fear for his and my safety.

The best steps to take to reduce the risk of a car accident is to obey the road rules, stay focused and alert, watch out for other drivers, be aware of your surroundings, keep your speed down and to cut out all distractions. If we take these steps, then the number of car accident deaths would decrease.